5th Class STEM LEGO for Fun!

5th Class were very lucky to get two sessions of LEGO for Fun with the kind help of some volunteering parents. The parents trained themselves up on the LEGO kits and then came into the classroom to help facilitate the activities.

Working in pairs the children worked with the LEGO Education WeDo Core Set, which includes 280 bricks, as well as sensors and motors and which offered them the possibility to work on their communication, collaboration and critical thinking skills in a fun and exciting way.

Step 1: In pairs, the chidren follow the instructions on the tablet and build their creation.

Step 2:
Once the children had their creations built, using intuitive drag-and-drop programming which makes it easy to incorporate coding into the classroom, the children programmed their robots.

Week 1 they created flying bees, hovering around a flower! They firstly programmed their bee to rotate around the flower but stopping when sensing they were over the flower to collect some pollen.

Check out our video below, where their bee has gone a little crazy!

During Week 2 the class created some Moon Walkers!

Have a look at our video of the Moon Walker!

We really enjoyed these activities – again a huge thank you to the parents and Mr. O’Connell for helping to facilitate this.

Post Author: Linda Phelan