September fun in Senior Infants

We were delighted to return to school this month and what a September we have had. Busy Busy Bees! We have been learning lots across the curriculum. Our September theme was School and we explored various activities during Am Spraoi every day. Roleplay, Playdough, Construction, Puzzles, Arts & Crafts and Small world to name a […]

RavensWellbeing Week

It has been a very tricky year for everyone due to the global pandemic, and remote  learning. A lot of our usual school activities have been postponed, however, we are doing a wonderful job in the individual classrooms to promote positive  mental health.  During remote learning, teachers had weekly zoom meetings/telephone calls, to check  in on all […]

Junior Scientists

Junior Infants had wonderful time this year at our First Science Fair. Ms. Keane’s class investigated “All sorts of Sound” for the fair. We explored lots of sounds in the environment and learned all about the families in an Orchestra; String, Woodwind, Percussion and Brass. We made string instruments using a small shoe box, wrapping […]

Junior Infants are off to a great start…

Junior Infants have taken to “BIG” school like a duck to water. Ms. Keane’s class are settling in and learning all the new Big school routines. We have visited many places in our new School Building. We have visited the school library, the senior classrooms, the PE Hall, the secretary’s office and the Principal’s office. […]

Litter Pick Up

Ravenswell took part in our annual spring clean up over the past two weeks. Junior Infants were joined by 3rd class on our clean up and we did an amazing job cleaning up any litter we found around the board walk near the Dargle River. Well done to all the boys and girls in Ravenswell […]

We did it :)

Ravenswell have received the Amber Flag award for demonstrating excellence in Promoting Mental Health. Well done to the whole school community and to our Amber Committee. We hope to fly the flag proudly outside our school in the coming weeks.

String Telephones- Senior Infants

Sound is all around us! Mrs. Dillon’s class wanted to investigate sound and where it comes from!  All sounds are made through vibrations. These vibrations are carried through the air by particles until they reach our ears. These vibrations are called sound waves. We hear sounds through our ears, when the sound enters our ears […]