Junior infants and the children in 4th class enjoy shared reading in the school library each week. The children are always excited to meet up with their buddies and explore books together. It is a lovely, shared reading experience! Some of our favourite books this week were “The Crayons` Christmas”, “Don`t Let The Pigeon Drive […]
Author: Audrey Semple
Maths Fun
The children in second class have been enjoying a variety of maths games. They have been playing interactive online maths games, snakes and ladders, counting games and working with lots of concrete materials.
Am Spraoi (Aistear) in 2nd Class
Second class explored the history of the Titanic through play during Am Spraoi (Aistear). The children use Lego to construct the Titanic, they participated in role play in the Titanic restaurants and the classes used chromebooks to research the topic. In addition, the children carried out some science experiments to check if a variety of […]
Junior Infants: Shoots and Roots
In Ms. Semple`s Junior Infants we all enjoyed representing our class at Ravenswell Science Fair. Our first school Science Fair was a great experience. We explained our work to the other classes, our parents and teachers. We told some carrot jokes too. We were thrilled to be interviewed by RTE News2Day and to see our […]
Junior Infants – How do plants drink?
In our classroom, we learned about the parts of a plant. The Junior Infants watched Glover, from Sesame Street, talk about plants. We saw that rain helped his plant to grow. We saw Elmo share his water with Abby`s plant . We talked about what a plant needs to grow. Plants need sunlight, water and […]