4th class has been visiting the library recently. We’ve gone twice so far and hope to do some more visits before we break for the summer holidays. It has been so nice going up to visit as we haven’t been able to visit as a class during the last 2 years. We’re very lucky that Bray Library […]
Author: Nicola Pigott
5th Class Book Reviews
We’ve been busy in 5th class reading lots of new books. We have lots of opinions and thoughts on the books we’ve read so we’ve picked some of our favourite books and we’ve reviewed them. Check out our class website to see what we think about our books. You never know, you might think a […]
Miss Geoghegan’s 5th Class Science Experiment
We all really enjoyed our Science experiment and being able to show our results at the school Science Fair. Our project was about Forces. It was called EXPAND A BAND. We learned about different types of forces. We tested to see if elastic bands expand when weight is added to them, without the elastic band […]
Solar Oven
In 5th class our theme for the science fair was the environment. We explored how we could use the energy of the sun (solar energy) in different ways. Before the science fair we did an experiment with our student teacher, Ms Carroll, where we placed containers of water (that were sealed with clingfilm) in direct […]
Making Christmas Decorations in 5th Class
We have made Christmas decorations from recycled coffee pods in 5th class. We had to collect a very large number of coffee pods! Using bits and pieces from the art scrap box we created new Christmas decorations.
Pen Licences
In 5th class we start to work towards getting our pen licences. These licences are awarded to children who have lovely joint handwriting and always have beautifully presented work with a ruled page, title and date. The pen licence means they can use a pen to do all their writing work in school and for […]
Plastic wrappers – they’re on everything! From crisp packets to bags of chopped apples, chocolate bars to the cling film wrapping on vegetables in the shops, it’s hard to avoid it. And where does most of it end up? In the dump. 5th class came across a very interesting project being run by Seal Rescue […]
School Tour to Powerscourt
On Thursday 8th March, 5th Class went on a school tour to Powerscourt. We were going to visit the Cool Planet Experience (CPE) exhibit. First, we watched a video about Powerscourt House and Gardens and their history. We watched this movie in the movie room in the house. Next, we went to the CPE exhibit. […]
A big HELLO to our pen pals in Japan!
5th Class have been writing to pen pals in Japan since before Christmas. They have sent us two letters so far, and we are in the process of writing letters back to them a second time. Their teacher, Emma, is teaching them English. Their English is so good! They’re also very good at drawing – […]
Clay In Fifth Class
5th class have been making pieces out of clay. We started with making clay apple containers using the pinch pot method. We then moved on to making Christmas and winter themed clay pieces.