This year for Halloween, we decided to do a whole 6th class collaborative dress-up. We brought in white tshirts and designed them with dalmation print. We also designed dog ears to use for our dress up. We had great fun, and visited the younger classes for some doggy entertainment! As a school, we also raised […]
Author: Orla McCarthy
6th Class – so far in 2022
Catch up with what we’ve been doing in 6th class over the past few months. Earlier in the year, during wellbeing week had a wellbeing tea morning and wrote positive messages on our cups. It was a lovely morning and we got to enjoy having chats with our friends. In March some of us made […]
Ravenswell G.A.A. Team Update – March 2020
Check out some of our pictures below from various Cumann na mBunscol matches we have attended since January. The boys and girls on the team have been working so hard at training and have really put that work into practice on the field at matches. We are so proud of them and the progress they […]
6th Class – Science Fair Project
This year for our 6th class Science Fair project, we explored forces, and gravitational pull. The question that led our investigation was ‘Does the Steepness of a Slope Effect the Distance a Toy Car Can Travel?’. We worked in groups to establish a fair test to carry out to find a plausible answer to our […]
Science & Technology Fair 2020
Our whole school Science & Technology Fair took place on the 4th & 5th March 2020. Children from Junior Infants to 6th class took part in the fair. The children presented their experiments and explained their investigations to our visitors. The visitors included children, as well as parents, teachers & families. The experiments presented […]
New School Building Opening
12th February 2020 What a fantastic morning we had at the official opening of our new school building on the 12th of February 2020. We welcomed many members of our community to join in our celebrations; from past principals to parents, from local representatives to the Minister of Education and Skills Mr Joe McHugh. But […]
One Book, One Community 2019/2020
5th & 6th class are taking part in the One Book, One Community project again this year. The initiative is organised collectively by the Home School Community Liaison Coordinators in Ravenswell Primary school, St. Kilian’s Community School, St. Fergal’s National School, St. Peter’s Primary School, and Newtown National School. This is the 10th year of […]
Our new G.A.A. kit
Since we established our Ravenswell G.A.A. team in September 2019, we have been thrilled to see consistent attendance and improvement at after-school training sessions every Tuesday. We have attended a number of football blitzes since the start of the year and the children have done such a wonderful job both representing our school, and playing […]
6th Class Art Work
Both 6th classes have been working really hard on their art pieces this year. Here is a selection of the artwork they’ve completed, using a variety of materials including oil pastels, chalks, crepe paper, and even some natural materials.
Cumann na mBunscol – 5th/6th blitz (girls)
Yesterday (19-09-2019) fifth and sixth class girls played a GAA blitz. On Wednesday we did some drills during yard time with Ms. McCarthy in preparation for the blitz. Yesterday we brought a small bag with us for our lunch, gum shield and our football boots (if we had them). We walked to Bray Emmets where […]