RavensWellbeing Week

It has been a very tricky year for everyone due to the global pandemic, and remote  learning. A lot of our usual school activities have been postponed, however, we are doing a wonderful job in the individual classrooms to promote positive  mental health.  During remote learning, teachers had weekly zoom meetings/telephone calls, to check  in on all […]

We did it :)

Ravenswell have received the Amber Flag award for demonstrating excellence in Promoting Mental Health. Well done to the whole school community and to our Amber Committee. We hope to fly the flag proudly outside our school in the coming weeks.

Active Schools Flag

A huge thank you to our Active School Committee for all of their hard work preparing for the Active School’s Flag Award. We have submitted all of this work for approval and are patiently waiting on a decision. Exciting times ahead…   For up to date news, please keep a close eye on our Active […]

Discover Primary Maths and Science

Ravenswell School has now registered for the Discovery Primary Maths and Science Award. Watch this space for lots of exciting news on all of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths lessons taking place in our school as we work towards achieving the award.

Perfect Attendance in September

It’s wonderful to see such amazing attendance for our first month back in a new year.  Congratulations to all the pupils who had perfect Attendance for September. The best class last month was Ms McCormack’s first class, with 95% attendance.  You should all be very proud of yourselves. Have a look at our gallery of […]

Bray School Gardens Competition

Ravenswell came Highly Commended in this year’s Bray School Garden Competition. Mr Darren Proud, his class have put a huge amount of work into the garden this year. They have guided all the classes and given advice on what to plant and when. It’s been a great gardening year, and we’re very proud of their achievement.