Life goes on…

After all the excitement and build-up to moving day, we are finally settling into our beautiful, and huge, new school.  It’s a really wonderful place.  Bright and warm and clean and new!! All the classes are settling back into their old routines, and getting used to some new ones as we all learn our way […]

It finally arrived…

Finally, on Monday 5th November 2018, after a long, 14 year wait, our new school was finally ready and we made our move.  All the pupils arrived in our old, and now empty, building for a final farewell…making a giant 2018 in the car-park… and together, we all walked across to our new building. It […]

Ravenswell is moving

Over the summer there has been fantastic developments in the new school building.  The new road is almost complete and everything is on track for our big move.  We hope to be in our new building before Christmas. The teachers have started packing up, lists are being made and the excitement in growing in all […]