We enjoyed 6 weeks of GAA sessions with our coach Aoife from Bray Emmets

The Floor is Lava!

This week signaled the beginning of Week 2 of our Laya Super Trooper Active homework! As part of our PE lesson this week, the children were tasked with creating their own “The Floor is Lava” style obstacle course! The children worked in groups of two where by they had to come up with their course, […]

6th Class – so far in 2022

Catch up with what we’ve been doing in 6th class over the past few months. Earlier in the year, during wellbeing week had a wellbeing tea morning and wrote positive messages on our cups. It was a lovely morning and we got to enjoy having chats with our friends. In March some of us made […]

Our new G.A.A. kit

Since we established our Ravenswell G.A.A. team in September 2019, we have been thrilled to see consistent attendance and improvement at after-school training sessions every Tuesday. We have attended a number of football blitzes since the start of the year and the children have done such a wonderful job both representing our school, and playing […]

Cumann na mBunscol – 5th/6th blitz (girls)

Yesterday (19-09-2019) fifth and sixth class girls played a GAA blitz. On Wednesday we did some drills during yard time with Ms. McCarthy in preparation for the blitz. Yesterday we brought a small bag with us for our lunch, gum shield and our football boots (if we had them). We walked to Bray Emmets where […]

10@10 in Third Class

This post is written by the boys and girls of Ms. McCarthy’s 3rd Class. 10@10  is dancing, singing and exercise for children. We have been doing it in our classroom since September. Sometimes we go on to the 10@10 website, but most of the time we do GoNoodle. Our favourites are Cheerleader, Can’t Touch This, […]

Active Schools Flag

A huge thank you to our Active School Committee for all of their hard work preparing for the Active School’s Flag Award. We have submitted all of this work for approval and are patiently waiting on a decision. Exciting times ahead…   For up to date news, please keep a close eye on our Active […]