On February 11th 2020, Ravenswell Primary School took part in Safer Internet Day. The slogan for this years Safer Internet Day was: Together for a better Interent!
Every class took part in a variety of activities to allow each individual become a better digital citizen. It was all about being responsible online, taking ownership of what you post online and also learning all about how to stay safe online.
Remember: Not everything online is true!
We used fake websites to highlight how to figure out if something was fictitious or real. The North Pacific Tree Octopus was a great website and some teachers tricked the students into believing it was real! We learnt strategies on how to figure out is something was real or fake.
We spoke about our digital footprint and how before we posted we needed to THINK: is it true, helpful, inspiring, necessary and kind. We drew pictures ou our digital footprint. We used resources such as Digiduck, HTML Heroes and MySelfie to help learn all about how to stay safe online! In each class there was a competition to see what we had learnt and the winners won a wrist band from Webwise.
As part of our Digital and STEM Fair this year, we set up a internet safety information stand where parents, children and staff could come and research some information on Webwise and play a quiz to see if they has the skills to be safe online!

Take a look at some of our work!