In Ms. Semple`s Junior Infants we all enjoyed representing our class at Ravenswell Science Fair. Our first school Science Fair was a great experience. We explained our work to the other classes, our parents and teachers. We told some carrot jokes too. We were thrilled to be interviewed by RTE News2Day and to see our school on television.
We read a lovely story, The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss. We also watched the growth of a seed in a time lapse recording on YouTube. We learned about the parts of a carrot. We began to wonder if we could take a carrot and make it grow.
We wondered, we investigated, we predicted…
How we could make a carrot grow? What would it need? What parts might grow? We suspended one carrot in water, we placed another sitting in water and we put a carrot top in soil. We predicted what we thought might happen.
We checked the carrots everyday. We saw the carrot stems grow, we were amazed, they grew so tall!
We saw threads grow out of the carrots. These threads are small roots growing out of the carrot root. We saw the water level go down.
We enjoyed watching how the carrots changed and discussing the results of our investigations.