Student Council

Ravenswell Student Council 2021 – 2022

The Student Council

The student council is made up of members from each class who have been elected by their classmates. The student council exists to communicate in an organized way between teachers and students. It is important for children to have their say so that teachers understand each new generation of students.

Student Council Elections

Student council elections are held at the end of the school year.

How to make sure you vote for the right person to represent your class. Please think about the following before you cast your vote:

  1. Will this candidate deliver on all of their promises? Will the things they have promised really happen?
  2. Is the candidate that you are thinking of voting for reliable and trustworthy?
  3. Is the candidate a good listener, or will they ignore the voices of their classmates once elected?
  4. Have you asked the candidate what they hope to achieve as a Student Councillor, if elected?


  • Lovely, colourful posters are brilliant, but does this mean you HAVE to vote for that candidate?
  • Student Council is much more than posters and promises – it is about bringing your class’ ideas and concerns to meetings and working hard to make sure our school is a better place!
  • Ask lots of questions is the only way you will find out how prepared a candidate is for the responsibility of being a Student Councillor.


Being on the Student Council is a lot of fun, but there is a lot of responsibilities involved. Don’t just vote for the most popular person – make sure you hear from ALL candidates before you cast your vote!