National Spring Clean 2017

National Spring Clean is Ireland’s most popular, well recognized and successful anti-litter initiative. Taking place during the whole month of April and now in its 17th year, the campaign encourages every sector of society to actively participate and take responsibility for litter, by actually conducting clean ups in their own local environment. National Spring Clean traditionally takes place throughout the month of April.

This year, under the leadership of Mr Darren Proud, Ravenswell decided to take up the spring clean challenge. Our classes took on different areas around Bray, armed with bin bags and litter pickers. Perhaps you spotted them in their National Spring Clean ponchos.

We really enjoyed the days out and it was wonderful to be able to help out around the community. It was very special when one of the local companies sent a thank you card to the school.  It’s lovely to be appreciated.

Have a look at some of our photos from our National Spring Clean week.

Can you find someone you know?

Can you work out where we went in Bray?


Post Author: admin

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