Our school is delighted to announce that we have rolled out the Aladdin Schools Connect System to parents/guardians of all children in our school.
The school uses the Aladdin Schools software service www.aladdin.ie for administrative purposes and the Aladdin Schools Connect add on gives parents access to messages from the school via a secure login from an internet browser or Aladdin Connect App
Aladdin Connect is a fantastic way to enhance the school’s communication with parents. It enables parents to stay connected and informed about their child’s education by:
– Ensuring that the school has their most up to date contact information
– Keeping parents apprised of their child’s attendance and of any money paid to the school
– Keeping parents up to date on school and classroom news via noticeboard messages
– Allowing parents view and download their child’s current report card in June
Along with strengthening our home/school partnership, we also envisage Aladdin Connect helping the school by:
– Helping to improve attendance by allowing parents to keep track of any school days their child may have currently missed.
– Helping to reduce the amount of class/school notes being sent home
– Helping the school/ teachers communicate with parents when the need arises
– Reducing costs by eliminating the need to send printed school report cards . REPORT CARDS WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE THROUGH CONNECT
– Reducing costs by reducing the number of text messages that need to be sent
Aladdin Schools uses state-of-the-art security to safeguard information entered by the school and data is stored and processed in strict compliance with Irish and European data protection laws.
When you are setting up your school Aladdin Connect account, you will receive a text/email message from the school containing your registration link. There will be one link per parent which will allow the parent to access information for all their children in the school from one user account. Please do not forward this text/email or share this link as this is a unique registration code for each parent for your child/children in this school. During registration you will choose a password that will be used in conjunction with your email address to securely access Aladdin Connect going forward. You may also share your own contact details with other parents of children in the same class as your children, but please be reassured that this information will not be shared unless you choose to share it. Once you are registered you will be sent an email with links to download the Aladdin Connect App for your mobile device. The main advantage of using the App is to receive immediate alerts for app messages sent by your school. Downloading the App is highly recommended to enhance both the parent and school’s Connect experience. Aladdin Connect will be our preferred method of communication from September 2020 onwards.