3rd & 4th Class

School Closure Challenge

Life Skills – Helping around the house.

  • Learn to tie your shoe laces.
  • Make you bed every morning.
  • Learn how to load and unload the dishwasher.
  • Learn how to wash your own clothes in the washing machine.
  • Make a sandwich (and maybe an extra one for someone else).
  • Bake something delicious. (Make sure you weigh everything carefully.)
  • Do some weeding in the garden.
  • Clean all the skirting boards around the house.
  • Sweep the driveway.
  • Hoover someone’s car.
  • Polish the furniture.
  • Learn how to take out the bins and change the bag.
  • Sort, match and roll all the clean socks.
  • Learn how to fold a t-shirt.
  • Clean out your own school bag.
  • Learn how to cook a simple meal for your family.
  • Check the cupboards and make a shopping list of the things you need. Use Tesco online to work out how much the shopping will cost.
  • Take care of the family pet – feeding, exercise, cleaning, playing…etc.
  • Sow seeds in the garden. You can watch how they grow over the next few weeks and months.

Fun Learning Activities to try…

  • Fill your Trocaire Box. Go on a coin treasure hunt. You’ll be surprised how much you find under furniture, behind cushions and even out of the footpath. Keep track of how much you find after each hunt.
  • Interview a relative about something they enjoyed when they were small. Prepare your questions, write their answers, or record it using your phone.
  • Watch an programme in Irish everyday using Cúla 4. Loads of shows to choose from.
  • Read a book to your pet.
  • Keep a journal or diary of the activities you do during the School closure. You can write, draw pictures, stick in photos. Decorate it however you like. Bring it in to school when we’re back, and share it with your class.
  • Learn a new card game to play with your family.
  • Do 10 minutes of vigorous exercise every day. You should be out of breath by the end of it. Here are some ideas.
  • Write a story and turn it into a book. Make a cover, do illustrations. When you come back to school you can add it to the school library. Click here for some ideas to get you started.
  • Try setting up a few maths games or challenges around your home for everyone to enjoy. Click here for some ideas.
  • Here are loads of indoor activities to keep everyone busy: Super Fun Rainy Day Activities and 32 Fun and Creative Indoor Activities

Making the most of your digital devices …

  • Try a daily Go Noodle activity. A huge selection of free videos, including dancing, exercise, meditation, reflection activities. Something for everyone.
  • Explore KIDZ ZONE on the school website. We have collected a wide variety of websites and activities, covering all subject areas.
  • Sign up for the free 1 month trial of Nessy. Nessy programs are designed to help students of all abilities learn to read, write, spell and type. Visit https://www.nessy.com/uk/
  • Sign up for the Prodigy Maths programme. This is a free maths challenge game suitable for pupils from 1st to 6th class. https://www.prodigygame.com/
  • Teach yourself some coding. Hour of code gives access to a wide range of coding activities for all levels. Many are free (some require a subscription). https://hourofcode.com/ie/learn
  • https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ Huge selection of learning games covering all the curricular areas.
  • Create a presentation on something that interests you. You could use PowerPoint, Google Slides or Prezi
  • Read a new book every day using Oxford Owl – the Free e-Library from Oxford Reading Tree. Book titles suitable for 3 – 11 year olds.