We were delighted to return to school this month and what a September we have had. Busy Busy Bees!
We have been learning lots across the curriculum.
Our September theme was School and we explored various activities during Am Spraoi every day. Roleplay, Playdough, Construction, Puzzles, Arts & Crafts and Small world to name a few.
We got to create our very own map of Ravenswell during Am Spraoi, before constructing the school using blocks and lego.
We explored pattern in Maths, Maps in Geography, and sequencing in History.
We learned all about our 5 senses in SESE and did a popcorn experiment aswell in the parent’s room where we looked, listened, smelled, touched and tasted the popcorn….
Our “What’s in the box” science activity was such fun….Here’s what we got to explore….
We went on a school hunt too and even got to visit the Staffroom. How cool is that!
We cannot wait to learn lots more this year.
Keep a close eye on what activities we will take part in during October.