One of the final activities completed by our graduating 6th class (and some members of 5th!) was an Energy workshop delivered by four volunteers from Dell. The workshop was run in conjunction with Junior Achievement which is a non-profit focusing on entrepreneurship education in schools. The group worked with the volunteers to design their version […]
Tag: green schools
One Book, One Community 2019/2020
5th & 6th class are taking part in the One Book, One Community project again this year. The initiative is organised collectively by the Home School Community Liaison Coordinators in Ravenswell Primary school, St. Kilian’s Community School, St. Fergal’s National School, St. Peter’s Primary School, and Newtown National School. This is the 10th year of […]
Plastic wrappers – they’re on everything! From crisp packets to bags of chopped apples, chocolate bars to the cling film wrapping on vegetables in the shops, it’s hard to avoid it. And where does most of it end up? In the dump. 5th class came across a very interesting project being run by Seal Rescue […]
National Spring Clean 2017
National Spring Clean is Ireland’s most popular, well recognized and successful anti-litter initiative. Taking place during the whole month of April and now in its 17th year, the campaign encourages every sector of society to actively participate and take responsibility for litter, by actually conducting clean ups in their own local environment. National Spring Clean […]